Gluestep Guide: How to set up Feedback
Take a look at the videos below for a quick guide to using Gluestep Projects, have a look at our Demo to see how real-world data can drive Gluestep, or read on for more information
Remember that Gluestep helps look for problems so you can fix them
This video shows you how to navigate the Manager screens and see the feedback from your Gluestep Project team
See below for more detail
As a team member, you are asked to indicate areas of concern, which might be risks or issues, gaps, missing capability or something less-defined that might trip you up later on.
You mark these things as Red.
Next time, you use the arrow direction to show whether it is being fixed, or not..
Signing Up for Managers
To sign up for the first time, go to our Shop and select a Project Template. More details to come on Project Templates in 2023.​
You will be what Gluestep refers to as a Gluestep Manager.
This will enable you to purchase a Gluestep Project for you and a group of people. Add their email details as you complete the checkout process and you will be ready to go.
You can then start to use Gluestep to get ahead with your challenge.
Signing Up for team members
If you receive an email telling you that you have been signed up as a Gluestep Team Member, you just have to go to the Gluestep Log On page, choose which method of authentication you want to use, and complete the process.
Once completed, you can Log On to Gluestep and your Gluestep Project will be available to you for Voting.
Entering votes and comments
Voting is done within a Cycle, which might be weekly, daily, or any other period you select.
Entering votes in each Cycle allows Gluestep to show trend, and highlight where problems are getting worse, as well as where they are getting better and being resolved. This is to enable early resolution of problems and issues before they blow up.
When voting:
Green means 100% ok, no doubts, no concerns, nothing wrong at all,
Red means there is, or there might be, a problem, an issue or a concern, something you are worried about or where you are not satisfied that it can be Green.

Once you have entered Red in a Cell, the next time you come to enter votes, in the next Cycle, there will be an arrow, because Gluestep now wants to know whether you think things are getting better, worse or have not changed, so toggle through the options until you get the one you want.
And if there is now no problem, you can change the Cell back to Green.
Gluestep then processes the results and makes them available to the Gluestep Manager for review and action.
Enter comments if you want to say something specific about your voting, then save your votes and comments for this Cycle.
Reviewing the results
The Manager role enables visibility of the result in the Manager Matrix, where the results of each Cycle can be viewed and discussed.., plus team activity and graphs shows how the team has voted.

Gluestep highlights the worst cell for you in Yellow – do something about this first!
The size of the Red part of the cell indicates how many people in the team voted Red – more Red, more problems
The arrow direction shows the trend – down arrows show things getting worse – do something about these as well
Team activity can be checked to make sure everyone is voting, or to know who to chase up, and graphs enable trends and patterns to be investigated.
For help with the Gluestep Frameworks, take a look at the Framework guide or contact your Gluestep account manager.
Even more to come on Frameworks during 2023!